do I write a blog, a vlog, a clog, a slog?

by Dave  - August 11, 2010

Late last night, as an awesome Thunder and Lightening storm swept through the Pego valley I was sitting out watching it bang and crash while trying to chart my new digital life.

dave litten diaryIt’s been a week since Nick relaunched this Website and the concept of blogging, vlogging and just plain being active on-line is a new one. My mind is definitely working overtime with all the new ideas that Nick spent pressing home.

It’s also something that is sometimes hard to focus on with so many other things to work on.  😉

I’m hard at work developing the new Project Management Masterclasses  – for ALL Project Managers

However, Nick is insistent that I keep a regular blog and give you guys a regular update on what I’m working on… I guess the concept works as it focusses my brain every morning on todays goals and what I’ve achieved since my last blog. Video Logs are going to be a more and more active part of the site.

So here I am, microphone poised – “Camera…….Action!”


FREE training Courses


My workload for August!
Boiling Guitar Strings - a great tune folks!


David spent 25 years as a senior project manager for USA multinationals, and has deep experience in project management. He now develops a wide range of project-related streaming video training products under the Masterclass brand name. In addition, David runs project management training seminars across the world, and is a prolific writer on the many topics of project management.

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