August 4

I’d be an entrepreneur if only I could spell it


Funny thing calling yourself an entrepreneur, I certainly didn’t really use the darn word ten years ago. Yet here I am calling myself it.

Dictionaries describe it as ” the type of personality who is willing to take upon himself a new venture or enterprise and accepts full responsibility for the outcome”.

Hmmm, okay so I am one then. My digital life has taken on a new resonance over the recent past, due mainly to the worldwide mess we’re all in.

My traditional training and consultancy needs a new direction, but it needs a new energy too – and that is going to spurt from my online life.

But you know, I think we are all born with entrepreneural tendencies and it’s just a case of tapping into that part of you. If you want to be part of what the darned word means to me and watch as it unfolds – then keep watching this space!



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