I am developing a new PRINCE2 7th Edition 2024 Training Masterclass

by Dave  - January 27, 2024

I am developing a new PRINCE2 7th Edition 2024 Training Masterclass

I’ve been working on updating the PRINCE2 6th edition (2017) course for several months now and hacking big chunks out of the syllabus as I build our new flagship training product.

The new syllabus is much better than the previous version, and that’s excellent news for folks looking to get certified and boost their careers.

Projex Academy Accredited Training Organization

I’m excited because the new revised and improved PRINCE2 Method has been supercharged from the new owners PeopleCert.

Since Projex Academy became an Accredited Training Organization (ATO), they have been really good to work with.

I´m so fired up on developing our new PRINCE2 7th edition; I now get twitchy around 3 AM (having boiled up a large mug of hot tea); I power up my PC and get stuck in …

Hey, check this out:

I started early in December last year, and I´m making remarkable progress.

Onwards and Upwards!!


FREE training Courses


A smashing time on my birthday?


David spent 25 years as a senior project manager for USA multinationals, and has deep experience in project management. He now develops a wide range of project-related streaming video training products under the Masterclass brand name. In addition, David runs project management training seminars across the world, and is a prolific writer on the many topics of project management.

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