I just got my Johnny Hiland PRS with a 10 top!

by Dave  - July 24, 2007

Hi Folks,

Yeah, I know – so what’s a PRS. Only the best godarn guitar in the business….

I’ve been playing guitar since the early sixties, and have owned many top-of-the-line guitars. They would call ’em vintage these days.

I’ve got a great heavily modified  ’78 Fender Stratocaster, a 60’s Telecaster re-issue, a cheap Squire (for clearing snow off the drive – just kidd’in!).

And now this baby…

For you guitar buffs out there it’s in vintage yellow.

I would normally need to spend the next few years getting it worn in, but I was lucky enough to meet up with the UK distributor Headline Music, and their Head of Sales Jez. Boy! were they helpful.

Good news is that Johnny is doing a UK tour sponsored by headline – check out this link:


Before I had it shipped out here to Spain, they did a perfect setup job – and it plays like a dream – straight out of the box!

I’m putting it through my Fender Blues De Luxe, and it sounds like tonal heaven.


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David spent 25 years as a senior project manager for USA multinationals, and has deep experience in project management. He now develops a wide range of project-related streaming video training products under the Masterclass brand name. In addition, David runs project management training seminars across the world, and is a prolific writer on the many topics of project management.

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