Microsoft Project for SCRUM, Kanban, and Hybrid Projects

by Dave  - March 14, 2023

Microsoft Project for SCRUM, Kanban, and Hybrid Projects

How we manage projects has progressed to include approaches for plan-driven projects with defined scope and adaptive projects where the content can evolve.

Microsoft Project can now support both approaches.

It is so versatile that it can support hybrid projects that use plan-driven and adaptive projects within the same project file.

Here at Projex Academy, this has not escaped our attention, and I’ve been creating a brand-new stand-alone masterclass called Microsoft Project for Scrum, Kanban, and Hybrid projects.

It is due to be released later this month. It shows you exactly how to set up an adaptive project using sprints, introduces some of the terminology and methods used to plan and track projects, and how to use tables, filters and groups to focus on specific project aspects and focus on the special reports designed explicitly for sprint projects.

I am excited to announce that I am just two weeks away from launching this new free video-based training master class.

Those clever folks at Microsoft have made it even easier to own and use the latest Microsoft project that includes the above changes by paying a small monthly subscription (just like I do!)

So whether you are an experienced Microsoft project user or a newbie, this 14-video module master class is just what you’ve been waiting for.

Just think, you could be mastering the use of Microsoft Project for your scrum, Kanban, or hybrid project endeavours – in less than five hours from now.

But it gets better, Projex Academy’s brand new Microsoft project for scrum Kanban and hybrid projects do not just include step-by-step videos on using the planning tool itself, but within each module’s video lesson, I provide you with a detailed presentation on the methods techniques and tools for becoming proficient at managing your own adaptive, incremental, and iterative projects.

So what do I want your Microsoft project for scrum, Kanban, and hybrid projects to cover?

I’m glad you asked! You get to understand the following topics fully:

  • Scrum Overview
  • Scrum Commitments
  • Scrum Roles and Responsibilities
  • Product Roadmap, Backlog and Planning
  • Sprints and Kanban
  • Sprint Reviews and Retrospectives
  • Microsoft Project and Scrum
  • Setting up a Sprints project (Part 1 and Part 2)
  • Task Information and User Stories (Part 1 and Part 2)
  • Hybrid Projects
  • Tracking a Sprints Project
  • Reporting a Sprint Project

So watch our Projex Academy website for news on our forthcoming Microsoft Project for Scrum, Kanban and Hybrid Projects Masterclass!

To learn more about our forthcoming FREE Microsoft Project Scrum, Kanban and Hybrid Masterclass, I wrote an interesting blog here â€¦



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David spent 25 years as a senior project manager for USA multinationals, and has deep experience in project management. He now develops a wide range of project-related streaming video training products under the Masterclass brand name. In addition, David runs project management training seminars across the world, and is a prolific writer on the many topics of project management.

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